Relationship with Money in Uncertain Times
Reflecting on a challenging time for investors
2021 affirms the old adage that uncertainty is the only constant for investors.
In last year’s report we said financial worries, economic volatility and recessionary pressures had reached unprecedented levels, affecting a wide range of investments and asset classes. The last year has seen some areas improve, as others have suffered.
Therefore, St. James’s Place Wealth Management Asia launched the second edition of the report to provide more insights on the relationship of investors with their money and how they are managing their investments, along with the challenges and market uncertainties that they are facing in 2021 and beyond.

In this report, you will discover:
How Hong Kongers and Singaporeans are investing their money and attitudes towards financial planning and retirement
The attitudes towards investing and perceptions of various asset classes.
The view towards sustainable investing and if it is important for Hong Kong and Singapore investors to consider ESG factors in their investments.
Their investment risk appetite and how often they review their investments.
The correlation between wealth and happiness in Hong Kong and Singapore.
How financially ready Hong Kongers and Singaporeans are for retirement.
Their attitudes to saving and if they are saving enough.
Key findings
Hong Kong
lack a financial plan.
see ESG factors as a
priority consideration in
their investments.
believe that they may have
to compromise investment
returns in order to invest responsibly, despite the increased interest in sustainable investing
are concerned about the high cost of living in Hong Kong in the future.
lack a financial plan.
say ESG and sustainability factors are now a high priority in the investments they are choosing.
believe that they may have
to compromise investment
returns in order to invest responsibly, despite the increased interest in sustainable investing
are concerned about the high cost of living in Singapore in the future.
Please note that the value of an investment will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

The trend of more investors seeking qualified, professional advice to manage their money is encouraging.
Asia Partnership Director |
CEO of St. James's Place Hong Kong

About the Research
The Money Relationship Monitor 2021 is an independent research study undertaken by Sandpiper Communications on behalf of St. James’s Place Wealth Management Asia around financial advice trends in Hong Kong and Singapore. It provides insights into the attitudes of investors, how they perceive money and plan for the future, as well as the impact of money on their relationships.
The findings in this survey were analysed and established through a total of 2,017 interviews conducted online in Hong Kong (1,012) and Singapore (1,005). Only respondents that were between the ages of 25-54 and who held personal investments in stocks, property, shares, funds, etc. were interviewed. All respondents were from households with a minimum annual income of between HK$400,000 to over HK$1,500,000 for Hong Kongers and S$70,000 to over S$250,000 for Singaporeans.
Figures included within this research are rounded to the nearest whole number and may not add up to 100%.
Important notes
Information and/or opinions presented in this report is provided for research informational purpose only. It should not be relied upon as
financial advice and it does not constitute a recommendation, an offer or solicitation. No responsibility can be accepted for any loss arising from action taken or refrained from based on this publication. All information presented herein is considered to be accurate at the time of production, but no warranty of accuracy is given and no liability in respect of any error or omission is accepted.
©2021 St. James’s Place plc. All rights reserved. “St. James’s Place” and the St. James’s Place Logo are trademarks of St. James’s Place plc.
Excerpts from this report may be used or quoted, provided they are accompanied by the following attribution: ‘Reproduced with permission from The Money Relationship Monitor 2021, published by St. James’s Place Wealth Management.’
Please note that the value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.
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